Antiguan elected to OAS External Board of Auditors
Antiguan elected to OAS External Boards of AuditorsMore...
Mr. Dean Evanson, Director of Audit of Antigua and Barbuda, has been elected to the External Board of Auditors of the Organization of American States (OAS). Sir Ron Sanders, Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the OAS, nominated and supported Mr. Evanson for the post. The External Board of Auditors meets four times a year at OAS headquarters to review the audit of all aspects of the OAS and to give overall direction to the external auditors. Antigua and Barbuda is the only small state on the External Board of Auditors.
In welcoming Evanson’s election to the external auditing board of the thirty-four (34) member hemispheric organisation, Ambassador Sanders said: “I welcome this election which demonstrates that small states have the right and the capacity to play a role in the accountability of international organisations. “The government of Antigua and Barbuda, has been fighting for our rightful recognition and we will continue to do so”.
Antiguan elected to OAS External Boards of AuditorsMore...
The honorary professorship was presented to Mr. Dean Evanson by the President of Nanjing Audit University, Professor Liu Wanghong, at the Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China in November 2019. More...