Antiguan elected to OAS External Board of Auditors
Antiguan elected to OAS External Boards of AuditorsMore...
On the 11th November 2019, Mr. Dean Evanson, Director of Audit, Government of Antigua and Barbuda was one of many in attendance at an Audit Seminar for Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions held in China. In recognition of his contribution as a Senior Auditor and member of the Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institution (CAROSAI), he was awarded an Honorary Professorship at the Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China.
The honorary professorship was presented to Mr. Evanson by the President of Nanjing Audit University, Professor Liu Wanghong.
Mr. Evanson has served in his present capacity as the Director of Audit for the Antigua & Barbuda Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) for the past ten years. In attendance at the ceremony was his Deputy, Ms. Cecilia Jacobs.
Additionally, honorary professorship was awarded to four (4) other of his Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) colleagues. They were as follows: Mr. Terrance Bastian from the Bahamas, Mr. Francis Hosten from Grenada, Mrs. Pamela Monroe-Ellis from Jamaica and Mrs. Charmain Felter from Suriname.
This is indeed a great honor bestowed on Professor Evanson who continued to serve in his capacity as the Director of Audit for the Antigua & Barbuda Supreme Audit Institution (SAI).
Congratulations on this prestigious award.
Antiguan elected to OAS External Boards of AuditorsMore...
The honorary professorship was presented to Mr. Dean Evanson by the President of Nanjing Audit University, Professor Liu Wanghong, at the Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China in November 2019. More...